
Color Analysis

Color is far more complex than it initially seems. Different colors can invoke varying psychological responses.

Wearing a ‘muted’ color can make someone appear more invisible, whereas the same individual in a bolder color would command attention in a room.

My Color Analysis will empower you to leverage your best colors, by determining:

1: The color category/categories that compliment your look and skin tone the best. Image consultants generally refer to these color palettes as ‘seasons’ and ‘flows’.

2: How to leverage these colors strategically, within your seasonal palette. For example, colors worn by executives would be significantly different than the colors worn by an elementary school teacher.

A Color Analysis need only be done once in your lifetime. So as long as your complexion stays the same so will your optimal colors to achieve your best look.

In addition, I will apply the optimal makeup shades to compliment your look and complexion. And I will take these from my own line of cosmetics, inspired by the four ‘seasons’ of color palettes.

After completing your Color Analysis you will understand which colors to use advantageously—and which to avoid. With this knowledge you will be able to shop with greater confidence, dress more effectively, and save time and money.

In addition to the Color Analysis I will provide a color bookmark containing your ideal colors, along with a booklet describing the psychological responses to color. A color wallet is also available.

Are you interested in this service or have any questions? Get in touch with Lynda now!
