
The Power of Professional Presence

Your employees’ level of presence and their communication skills reflect your corporate image. My seminar on The Power of Professional Presence will educate your employees on the critical importance of an individual’s professional image, the social intricacies to working in a corporate environment, and appropriate behaviour to build and enhance client relationships.

This presentation literally discusses the ABC’s of professionalism: Appearance, Behaviour and Communication.

The presentation includes the following topics:

  • The three levels of business dress for professionals
  • How to conduct or attend effective business meetings
  • The appropriate etiquette for the office
  • Proper etiquette for business dining and party-based events
  • The importance of Soft Skills
  • How to make proper and lasting introductions
  • Phone, online and mobile communication
  • How to network effectively

There is no second chance for a first impression, and the impression your employees make is your company’s first impression. It is critical that they get it right—the first time.

This course will provide them with the exact tools they need to do just that. It can be tailored to your company’s and employees’ needs, to suit differing levels within your company.

Corporate Clients

Are you interested in this service or have any questions? Get in touch with Lynda now!
